Saturday, June 24, 2023

No Writing Community


Just a quick chat today on writing alone. That is, having few to no supporters of your writing endeavors. 

Let's get down to it. It hurts to know nobody cares about the world and the people you've brought to life. The countless hours that span months, years, or even decades, of work you've poured into your writing. Especially when those bodies belong to your closest friends and family members. The people who should be your loudest cheerleaders. 

To gush about a major breakthrough in your plot, or the tremendous progress I've made, only to be met with a distracted, "cool," is almost enough to make me throw in the towel sometimes.

That's why, as of this week, I've decided I'm just not going to seek validation, approval, or even a hint of support from people who obviously think what I'm doing is a waste of time. If they want an update, they'll ask. I'm still waiting. But I'm not holding my breath. See the difference?

Then comes the challenge of book dedications. I'm at the stage where I've had to start thinking about this. The first book's dedication was a no brainer. Gabe, my partner of 18+ years, has been nothing but supportive. He's helped me countless times to work through a story problem, rename a character, brainstorm, you name it. The first book is for him. The rest? 

Parents might seem the obvious choice. Therein lies the problem. My mother has been an avid supporter of all my creative endeavors. Dad, not so much. If there's no money to be made in it, he's not terribly interested. Once in a while he surprises me, but most of the time I get little more than a grunt. It's clear to me he thinks I should be focusing my time and energy elsewhere. 

But I'm not a child anymore. I'm approaching forty, and it's time to let that mess go. Hence, I have decided not update him, or anyone else who doesn't expressly ask, on any but my most profound book progress, despite the fact we talk multiple times every day. And, hence, I started this blog as an outlet to share my thoughts on my writing, track my progress, etc. Maybe nobody will ever read it, but it gives me the impression of having an audience, and that seems to satisfy. 

My point in all this rambling is simply that you may have to do this alone. If you do, just know you're not alone in that. I don't want you to quit just because your cheering section is silent. Write this book for you, and for that maybe one person out there whose life it's going to touch. They're out there. I know I'm far from the first person to give this advice, but I'm definitely one of the oldest, so you should take it! With age comes wisdom, and all that. 

So, know I'm rooting for you, even if you can't hear me, and know that what you're doing is not a waste of time, no matter how many people may try to convince you otherwise. 

All my best.

Your salty genre fiction writer,


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