Thursday, July 4, 2024

Many, Many Updates

So much has happened since I last blogged!

1. Foundling and its sequel, Blackbird, are both self-published in ebook and paperback formats. Both are available online at most book retailers. After more than two decades working intermittently on this project, it's surreal to be able to call it done. Of course, there's always that spark of an idea for a third book... ;)

2. I resurrected a previously unfinished manuscript and completed the first draft. And the second. And the third and fourth.

3. I've got a critique partner now! He's a gem and he's helping me so much. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. If you haven't heard of websites like and, you must check them out. (I personally prefer critiquematch.)

4. I've sold a whopping ten books! This might not seem like much, but I honestly never expected to sell more than maybe five copies, so I'm not complaining. If you're interested, search my name Bonny C. Moore on any major online book retailers including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. (Wink, wink.)

That's all the updating I have time for just now. Keep writing, friends! I'm rooting for you. 


Your officially self-published genre fiction writer,


Many, Many Updates

So much has happened since I last blogged! 1. Foundling and its sequel, Blackbird, are both self-published in ebook and paperback formats. B...